Friday, February 10, 2012


aaaaaah. friday night. i am free to surf! my son is at a sleep over and i am sitting here, drinking a beer, looking at stuff. you know, since we bought this house i haven't been able to sleep much. i am so retarded, i lie awake at night freaking out (in a good way) about which type of pots will work best on the front porch. its funny. kelley is a software architect and he obsesses about code. its the same thing i think. except he gets paid for freaking out about code. and so do you jeff! you get paid to freak out about design. how awesome is that!? lucky...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Kelley likes honeysuckle. me too. i have a cool rebar trellis that i think might work!

here's the trellis. funny story. it was sitting outside the old armory on reserve? forever. i think maybe the acting company that was in there used it for something? i don't know. anyway, the building had been abandoned forever. so i picked it up, and walked home with it over my shoulder. i have been growing things on it ever since...

Monday, February 6, 2012

things i hate


i hate tole painting like this

things i like

i am just going to post pictures of things i like and hope that this gives you an idea. i want the yard to be broken up into rooms, different areas. we need a fireplace, a fountain, seating, dining. lights! i was going to do raised beds for veggies, but i think it's going to be too shady. i can just do tomatoes in pots. so! here's what i have so far:

i like the gravel, the covered dining part, and the mismatched chairs


 covered dining



amazing lights
 canterbury bells

coral bells

 day lillies

decomposed granite


bleeding heart

something lime green

 i love the privacy, the seating, the table. i love bamboo if it doesn't get out of control. makes a great screen.


 joe pye!!!!
 lighting. is. important.

 i love lilacs!

lily of the valley

more lighting

i totally dig this arbor. i like to mix classic and industrial. i hate that table.

 mixy matchy chairs


house numbers

 i like this dining set. the colors are great


this is the set from the show Parenthood. it's the grandparents yard. i poop my pants every time i see it, i love it so much

very cool lights


 peonies. my favorite flower.

great everything

 i am going to make this table. i have the instructions. can it work outside?


galvanized planters. i was thinking for the front porch steps wall thing...


 this is for sale on etsy. i must have it. really. must. have. it. 
i thought for the garage wall. it lights up!

shasta daisies

 love the color!

 a cool small fountain

i love lights on a wire. like at fork, or the 4th st. chicago connection

 love this color too. like the dining set.

 this is my most very favorite fountain. it comes in a few sizes and colors. campania.

just cool. i don't know. an outdoor sink, or drinking fountain, shower, or fountain. or something. i just like it.

 tulips are a must! i hate daffodils btw.


i like this variegated red branch dogwood

the house has a green metal roof and eventually will be this color of yellow


texas bluebonnet. kelley is from texas and loves this. will it grow here? or maybe a native lupine?

fireplaces! i almost forgot!

 i love this thing. i don't have room for it. but its super cool.